Jean Pierre AUDECENT
Signature of Jean Pierre AUDECENT

Jean Pierre was born on the 2nd July 1788, the son of Jacques Auxan and his wife Marie Francois Pitou and baptised the same day at St. Valerien, Chateaudun at which time his father and mother lived in the Rue Forache. He had for Godfather Pierre Forestier and for Godmother Catherine Pitou, both his first cousins.

On the 21st May 1810 he married at Chateaudun, Louise Victoire Beaugendre, the daughter of Jacques Beaugendre and his wife Anne Marguerite Martin, the marriage celebrated in the presence of both sets of parents. At the time of marriage he was employed as a worker in wool, in fact from other records he was a blanket maker like his father.

He and his wife were to leave Chateaudun, at a date unknown but certainly after 1811 for their only known child and son Prosper was born at Chateaudun in that year. All we know is that he moved to Paris and he, his wife and son were living there in 1835 at 26 Rue Dauphine, 11e at which time he held the occupation of Lithographer.

Perhaps we should now consider the facts, for Jean Pierre appears to have made quite a breakthrough in learning the new skill of Lithography. Whilst Lithography or "polyautography" as it was called by its German inventor Senefelder, entered France in 1802 or 3, it never matured and it was not until 1816 that two presses were installed in Paris by Gottfried Engelmann of Mulhouse (1788-1839) at 18 rue Casette and by Comte Charles-Philbert de Lasteyrie (1759-1849) at rue du Four. By 1817, lithography had become a prosperous business in France, by 1829 all the famous artists were using the medium and it had reached its zenith in France.

His son Prosper left home in April of that year 1935 to stay with his future parents-in-law at Rouen, and in August of that year Jean Pierre and his wife travelled to Rouen to attend the wedding of their son Prosper to Sylvie (signed 'Fanny') Pinot de Moira, the daughter of the Comte et Comtesse de Rochepaule.

Nothing more is known of them both. A study of the indexes at Paris for the years 1860-1902 does not reveal any entry regarding their deaths.


(1) 2nd July 1788- Entry of Baptism in the Register of St Valerien, No 314 which has been transcribed by Gerard Audcent and reads:

"Mairie de Chateaudun. 314 Bp Pierre haudessant. Le deux juillet mil sept cent quatre vingt huit, par nous vicaire c.d. signe a ete baptise Jean Pierre fils ne du jour du legitime mariage de Jacques haudessant cardeur et marie pitou de cette psse rue forache, parain jean Pierre Forestier son cousin germain qui ne signe, maraine Catherine p-itou sa cousine germaine qui a signe avec nous. Signed Pitou and Perchevon vic."

Gerard Audcent, translated this document into English and it reads:-

"Town Hall, Chateaudun, 314 Baptism, Pierre Haudessant. On the second day of July seventeen hundred and eighty eight, we the undersigned curate did baptize Jean Pierre a son born this day of the lawful marriage of Jacques Haudessant carder with Marie Pitou of this parish, rue Forache, godfather Jean Pierre Forestier his first cousin who does not sign his name and Catherine Pitou, his first cousin who has signed with us. Signed Pitou and Percheron, curate."

(2) 21 May 1810 - Extract of Marriage from the registers of Chateaudun No 23 which reads:

L'an mil huit cent dix le vingt un mai. A ete de Mariage de Jean pierre Audecent ouvier en laine demeurant a Chateaudun, fils de Jacques Audecent et de Marie Pitou ne a Chateaudun paroisse de Saint Valerien le deux juillet mil sept cent quatre vingt huit. Et de Louis Victoire Beaugendre demeurant a Chateaudun fille de Jacques Beaugendre et de Anne Marguerite Martin nee a Chateaudun paroisse de Saint Lubin le vingt siz mai mil sept cent quatre vingt dix. Vu 1, Les acte de naissance de chacun des epoux. 2. Le Certificat de l'officier civil de Chateaudun constatant qu'il n'est survenu aucun empechement au present mariage sur les publication qu'an ont en lieu les six et treize mai present mois. Desquelles pieces duement en forme annexier a l'un de mode registrer aussi que du capitre six du titre cinq du code napoleon, il a ete donna pour nous lecture aux termier de la Loi. Apres que les epoux eurent declare prendre en mariage l'une Louise Victoire Beaugendre l'autre Jean Pierre Audecent. Apres que Jacques Audecent pere de l'epoux et Jacques Beaugendre pere de l'epouse tous deux present et demeaurant a Chateaudun eurent conste verbalement au present mariage. Nous Louis Daveze adjoint du maire de Chateaudun fouisant le fonction d'officier public de l'etat civil soussigne, avouer prononce qu'an nom de la loi ce dites Jean-Pierre Audecent et Louise-Victoire Beaugendre sont unis en mariage. fait ala Mairie de Chateaudun, les dite jour et an presence de plusieur parents et amis et etrantrer de Jean Francois Marchand pere Couverturier age de cinquante quatre ans, de Marie Vallerien Marchand aussi Couverturier age de Trente trois ans, de Jean Olivier Lenormand employer dans les droite reunir, age de vingt six ans et de Francois Chabert aussi employe dans les droite reunir age de vingt six ans, toute demeurante a Chateaudun, temoins qui ont signe avec les epoux le pere de l'epouse et nous adjoint apres que le pere de l'epoux eurent declare ne savoir signer de ce .........lecture faite. Signed " Jean Pierre Audecent, Louis victoire Beaugendre, Beaugendre, Marchand, Marchand...., Lenormand, Chabert and Daveze"

Gerard Audcent has translated this document into English and it reads:-

"Town Hall of Chateaudun. Audecent. Beaugendre. 23. May twenty-first eighteen hundred and ten. Certificate of marriage between Jean Pierre Audecent, wool worker, living at Chateaudun, son of of Jacques Audecent and of Marie Pitou, born at Chateaudun, Parish of Saint Vallerien on the second of July seventeen hundred and eighty-eight. And Louise Victoiere Beaugendre, living at Chateaudun, daughter of Jacques Beaugendre and of Anne Marguerite Martin, born at Chateaudun, Parish of St. Lubin, on May twenty-sixth seventeen hundred and ninety. Upon presentation (1) of the birth certificates of the couple. 2. Of a certificate from the Registrar of Chateaudun to the effect that no impediment to this marriage has arisen following publication of the banns on the sixth and thirteenth of the present month of May, And having as prescribed by law read said documents properly drawn up and appended to one of our registers, as well as Chapter six, title five, of the Code Napoleon, And the couple having declared that they would take in marriage Louise Victoire Beaugendre on the one part and Jean Pierre Audecent on the other, And Jacques Audecent, father of the groom, and Jacques Beaugendre, father of the bride, both present and living at Chateaudun, having given verbal assent to this marriage, We the undersigned Louis Davege, Deputy Mayor of Chateaudun, acting as Registrar, having pronounced Jean Pierre Audecent and Louise Victoire Breaugendre legally joined in marriage, Done in the Town Hall of Chateaudun on said day in the presence of several relatives and friends and in particular of Jean Francois Marchand father, blanket maker, fifty-four years of age, of Marie Vallerien Marchand, also blanket maker, thirty-three years of age, of Jean Olivier Lenormand, an employee of the taxation office, twenty six years of age and of Francois Chaber, also an employee of the taxation office, twenty-six years of age, all living at Chateaudun, witnesses who signed with the couple, the father of the bride and us, Deputy Mayor, the father of the groom having declared on being asked that he could not sign his name and the above having been read. Signed Jean Pierre Audecent, Louise Victoire Beaugendre, Beugendre, Marchant pere, V Marchand, Chaber and Daveze."